Mar 18, 2012

Get Out There and Sand Sweep your Brick Pavers !

Spring Sand Sweeping is required maintenance of Brick Pavers in Michigan

Spring has sprung early in Southeast Michigan this March!  It is not too early to get out there on a dry & warm day and sweep joint sand over your entire brick paver patio, walkway, driveway, or porch.  Whether you perform this routine maintenance service yourself or hire a brick paver contractor, filling any paver joints void of sand is crucial to long-term performance & success.

In March & early April, paving stones in Michigan can be a little loose from an unstable & spongy base, as well as, the lack of sand in the paver joints.  Time will solidify the the base underneath but you will be responsible for making sure the paver joints are refilled with joint sand.

Here is an earlier post on reasons to keep up on sweeping paver joints that may be helpful for you.  It is important for a hired quality contractor to also be an educator or teacher of their expertise. Homeowner's need "real life" advice and not biased opinions endorsing any product or agenda.  Simple sand sweeping of paver joints will greatly improve any homeowners benefits and experiences with brick paver projects.