Mar 16, 2013

3, 2, 1, ...Let's GO! Brick Paver Repairs

As Michigan flutters between Winter & Spring this week, the rush by homeowners to begin there Spring projects is ready to explode.  The anticipation of Winter ground frost exiting the earth is teasing and slow this March in Southeast Michigan.  Once it is clear, the seasonal madness of brick paver repair, installation, cleaning & sealing, and maintenance will begin!

Each day the weather is warm or sunny, my phone line is busy.  Each day the weather is snowy & gray, my leads come to a halt!  The reality is that Spring is coming soon and to wait will only delay a homeowner's time frame for having their brick paver restoration project completed.

Many proactive homeowners have contacted or contracted with us since late January to insure an April or May completion of work.  The position on the calendar is more important than the current weather outside.  Spring will come fast! 

From 0 to 60 we will be in full brick paver production in a few weeks.  As always, if you require some type of brick paver repair or installation services, hire a qualified and reputable brick paver contractor over an inexperienced landscape contractor or handy man service.  See you soon!