Sep 16, 2012

Push to complete Fall Brick Paver Restorations in Full Gear

Completing Paver Repairs prior to Winter in Michigan is Essential

Our Fall season push for completing Brick Paver repair, sanding, cleaning, and sealing is in full gear.  Fall restoration of paver patios, walkways, driveways, paver steps, etc.. is essential to be completed prior to late Fall rains & Winter ground frost.  Both rain and ground frost are the biggest contributors to expanding the occurrence and size of paver repairs.

Compromised or settled brick pavers & retaining walls are stretched to their limits if left unattended or not properly reset.  Water flowing into settled pavers areas & paver joints results in face paced erosion and further damage.  Winter ground frost will heave and expand the structure and if the brick pavers or retaining walls are not properly set,  the whole interlocking paver system will begin to fail.

When I am bidding in the Fall, I often hear the response from homeowners that "we may wait until next Spring to have this done".  This can be a costly mistake.  Aside from the compromised areas increasing in size and thus more labor or material costs, Fall prices are usually less than Spring prices for services.  Most brick paver and landscape contractors in Michigan are slowing up in demand for services in the Fall.  Once Spring arrives, the demand is incredibly high and the pencil is not so sharp! 

I also explain to my customers that usually after Jan 1, our renewals for businesss, auto, workmans comp,& liability insurance occur. These costs are always rising.  Crew member wages usually increase beginning each Spring too. Labor is the largest cost variable in our brick paver services.

This past week we performed some brick pavers restorations that not only improved the performance & appearance of their pavers, but insured that their cost for repairs will not increase by waiting until Spring.  When Spring arrives, these homeowners will enjoy their newly restored pavers and not have to wait to have done when the weather breaks.  Most important is the cost savings having done in the Fall versus the Spring!