Spring in Southeast Michigan presents a lot of challenges for cleaning and sealing brick pavers. Weather and temperatures are erratic and can cause anxiety and frustration when executing a brick paver sealing project. I usually would recommend that cleaning & sealing of brick pavers be scheduled after mid-May to insure optimal conditions for the best appearance. The cleaning and sealing season will usually end by the end of October.
Brick Pavers Reapir, Cleaning,Sealing & Maintenance
EMAIL: brickdoctorbill@gmail.com
Jun 20, 2024
Brick Pavers Cleaning & Sealing Now in Season for Summer
Jun 2, 2024
Brick Paver Walkway Brought Back to Life!
Before |
After getting quotes for over $13,000 for replacing with new pavers and over $8,000 for a new concrete walk, this homeowner decided to go with my recommendation to "bring it back to life" with a brick paver restoration approach. The cost for this "bring it back to life" paver restoration would be under $2,000. The approach is to repair just some of the severely sunken pavers, but a lot imperfections would still remain.
Before |
After |
Clean up is done and then waiting for the pavers & pavers joints to dry begins. The next day paver joint sand is swept in joints, blown off clean, and touched up to prepare for sealing.
A high quality "matte" finish brick paver sealant is applied. The first coat is a "flood coat" so it soaks into the joints, then shortly after, a light second coat is applied to adhere more sealant to the paver surface.
After |
The before & after pictures of this brick paver walkway tell the story. It is an incredible paver restoration & overall appearance but reversing the years of neglect is limited.
I always advise if you stay on a routine brick paver maintenance program for your brick pavers, they can look like the day they were installed!
Mar 28, 2024
Brick Paver Spring Maintenance in Ann Arbor
Time to perform spring maintenance on your brick paver patio, walks, & driveway!
Spring has sprung in Michigan and the threat of any further freeze thaw cycles is done. This means it is time to strategize on the maintenance objectives of your brick pavers. Assessing the needs and care that are to be taken to ensure long-term performance is upon you.
The brick pavers in Spring may seem a little loose due to the thawed base under the pavers. Also, the lack of paver joint sand in the joints will let pavers rock back and forth slightly. This signals the most important step in maintaining your brick pavers…. Spring sand sweeping! It is important to keep your paver joints filled with joint sand. On a dry day, drop a bag or more of paver joint sand and spread over all your brick pavers. Sweep generously over all the pavers and paver joints to insure filling any empty joints. Blow off all your pavers with a light passing of a blower, insuring you don’t blow the sand out of the joints. Any excess sand on top of the pavers will wash off with Spring rains but don’t leave any piles of sand on your pavers.
I want to further note that your Spring touch up of paver joint sand is “regular” paver joint sand, NOT polymeric sand (hardening sand). Polymeric sand is another premium service which requires cleaning of all paver joints prior to sweeping in. When working with polymeric sand, great care needs to be taken to make sure you avoid a disastrous result.
Brick pavers will perform excellent if you just perform this basic paver maintenance each Spring. Paver joint sand is the blood line of all brick paver installations. Spring brick paver maintenance can easily be performed by you the homeowner, or performed by an experience brick paver contractor at a reasonable cost. Contact us at brickdoctorbill@gmail.com if you want a qualified brick paver contractor to perform this service for you.
Sep 21, 2019
Old Brick Paver Patio & Steps Replaced in Ann Arbor
Updated Pavers Patio & Steps will improve house value
Brick Doctor Bill and Team replaced an old dilapidated and neglected brick paver patio and steps in Ann Arbor, Michigan this past week. This old paver patio was sunken and was taken over by organic matter which inhibits the performance and appearance.

This client had done some good research and had set a reasonable budget for us to replace the unusable brick paver patio and install an updated outdoor living space they could be proud to use.
We took a simple traditional Holland 4X8 brick paver and improved the appearance by laying in a 45 degree herringbone pattern. With modern color choices and detailed design patterns, we greatly improved the visual appeal of this brick pavers patio.

We did a simple paver block & caps paver step structure that will need less maintenance over the years. 35+ years of experience and analysis has showed us that step structures that are of solid blocks & caps, no use of actual brick pavers, hold up much better. Paver steps and landings in rectangular designs are structurally stronger and more functional. Also, we have moved away from 1/2 circle or curved paver steps that require frequent maintenance and repair.
The final installed new brick paver patio and paver step is simply spectacular! We set them up on our yearly brick paver maintenance program. Now our client will no longer be embarrassed to have friends & family over and the function of this pavers patio will be enjoyed for many, many, years to come!
Nov 16, 2018
Brick Paver Joint Sand: Facts & Fiction
Sealing vs. Poly Sanding brick paver joints
After being in the brick paver business for 36 years now, I have been able to experience the true facts and results of sealing or poly sanding brick pavers & paver joints. The number one request in our industry by clients is that they want a "permanent" solution for paver joint sand. Unfortunately, this request is not totally achievable or feasible with any brick paver joint approach.
joint sand is the essential part that keeps brick pavers "locked up" laterally and helps reduce the erosion or deterioration of the sub base (below the brick paver). Keeping brick paver joints filled also "helps" and "inhibits" the growth of organic materials like weeds, grass, moss, etc.. . this is NOT absolute. Paver joint sand is the number one maintenance need for brick pavers and also the most neglected!
Prior to the last 15 years, using just "regular" paver joint sand was the norm. Like any industry, the development of products has evolved. Brick paver sealants and polymeric (bonding) sands were developed to meet consumer demands and help improve performance of the brick pavers & paver joints. In this post, I will help guide you to a educated decision of which process or product may work best in your individual situation.
Below are my opinions and conclusions from "real" results over the past 37 years of experience and research using these products. My results are drawn from executing decades of paver maintenance programs. My goal is for you to make an informed decision on which approach is best for you and the optimum performance & appearance of your brick pavers. I have done brick paver work in both Michigan & Florida and though the climates are extremely different, the performance of brick paver joint sand is very universal. I understand there are many varying opinions from other contractors, product manufacturers, and online posts that may contradict with my assertions. As I have always told my customers & potential clients, if you agree with a contradicting opinion, please move on or hire the contractor that best fits your own conclusion.
FICTION: There is a "permanent" solution for my brick paver joints so I do not need to sweep sand or I will never get any weeds, grass, or moss in my brick paver joints again!
FACT: There is NOT a "permanent" solution for brick paver joint sand! Routine joint sand maintenance for brick pavers is essential and required for optimum performance of your brick pavers. The whole brick paver system is based on a flexing and floating system whereby it moves to the effects of winter frost/freeze thaw cycles, water erosion, wind, foot or vehicle traffic, and slight earth movements. The brick paver joints take the brunt of these movements and climate effects. This is an outdoor structure that will require joint sand replenishment on a routine maintenance program.
FICTION: Sealing my brick pavers & paver joints or Poly sanding my paver joints, I will not have to maintain my brick pavers anymore!
FACT: Again, there is no permanent solution to brick pavers joints, but sealing or poly sanding your brick paver joints will "help, reduce, or inhibit" the need for frequent paver joint maintenance or the occurrence of weeds, grass, & moss in the joints. Sealed or Poly sanded paver joints will still slowly settle, erode, crack, and disappear as time goes on. In Michigan, winter freeze thaw cycles are the biggest culprit. In Florida, heavy thunderstorms are their demise. Water erosion over your pavement (brick pavers) is the biggest contributor to paver joint sand maintenance.
FICTION: If I have both sealing and poly sanding done for my brick pavers, I will have better results!
FACT: WRONG! It is highly recommended not to do this process. Here are few reasons why.
- You never want to mix sealer with poly sand. You never know if the chemical make up of these products will be adverse. If there is an adverse reaction, it will not be reversible without total replacement of the damage brick pavers and paver joints.
- Sealer can improperly puddle and cloud up. If you were to use poly sand in the joints, you must properly wet the poly sand to let it set up. You cannot use the sealer as the wetting agent for poly sand!. Once the poly sand is set, sealer cannot properly soak into the paver joints and will puddle or accumulate in the paver joint which will lead to clouding and/or yellowing.
- Using both products is redundant. Both sealers and poly sands are made to work strictly on their own. Using them together does not add any additional performance.
- Cost vs Benefit: If you are to use both these products together, the cost of doing both options far exceeds any benefit you would get.
FICTION: I do not have to CLEAN my brick pavers & pavers joints prior to re-sealing or re-poly sanding joints
sweeping in poly sand. The only time you do NOT need to prior clean paver joints is when you are doing "touch ups" within a couple months of the initial work. When it comes to re-sealing, you cannot just seal the brick pavers and paver joints with dirt, soot, and organic matter on the surface of the pavers or in the paver joints. The same holds true with poly sanding the paver joints. Crumbling, cracking, molding old poly sand needs to be removed and remaining poly sand needs to be cleaned thoroughly. The degree of cleaning for both options will depend on the current condition of the brick pavers and paver joints. Our customers that stay on a 2-3 year cleaning and re-sealing (or re-poly sanding) maintenance program reduce the cost of cleaning from the initial restoration because the cleaning time is faster and less invasive.
FICTION: Sealing or Poly Sanding is most of the cost of restoring my brick pavers.
FACT: Excluding any repair or re-leveling work, cleaning (or prepping) the brick pavers and paver joints is a little over half the cost of a restoration project. In particular, the paver joints are the hardest and messiest work. The more severe the paver joints that have grass, weeds, moss, etc.. the more time, effort, and clean up is involved. Prepping for sealing or poly sanding is more time consuming than actually sealing or poly sanding the joints.
FICTION: Once I seal my brick pavers, I have to seal every 2-3 years.
FACT: FALSE. If you decide that you did not get the benefits of sealing that you envisions, you can just let the sealer wear off your brick pavers. Most brick paver sealants last 18-36 months depending on weather & climate during this time period. The biggest reason for re-sealing on a routine schedule is to keep the appearance of the brick pavers consistent. Areas that are exposed more to sun, wind, rain, traffic, etc.. will wear quicker and areas that are protected will last much longer. This same process will hold true with poly sand in the paver joints. To keep your brick paver structure protected and the appearance even, the recommendation is to re-seal (re-poly sand joints) every 2-3 years. The difference from 2 to 3 years really falls on the customer's preference. We routinely contact customers the 3rd year as we feel this is the optimum time to have this service performed. Many customers like the fresh look done every 2 years to keep a new appearance up to date or they have a special event that year.
FICTION: Sealing my brick pavers will make them shiny and slippery.
FACT: This is not true if you use the right brick paver sealants. High gloss solvent (chemical based) brick paver sealants are no longer the norm. Over the past 5 years there has been an increased movement to use high quality "water based" sealers. Water based sealers are not only environmentally safer, they produce a more natural appearance and perform much better with paver joint sand stabilization. The brick paver sealants are less slippery as they do not create a heavy pills on the surface. Any wet surface can have some slip but water base sealers help keep the texture of the surface in tact. The "matte" finish is the normal now for outdoor brick paver structures. In 2017 and 2018, we used 100% water based "matte" finish brick paver sealants.
FICTION: After having my initial restoration work done on my brick pavers, I can wait until 2-3 years later to have any maintenance work done.
FACT: Paver joint maintenance is an ongoing process with brick pavers. The "in between years", the seasons between cleaning & sealing (poly sanding), should have seasonal (usually Spring) sweeping of regular paver joint sand to keep voided joints filled. This maintenance program service is our largest brick paver service. Except for customers that do it themselves, most of our customers take advantage of this seasonal service. We begin every Spring in Michigan with this service for our current clients before taking on any new clients!
FICTION: Sealing my brick pavers and paver joints is more expensive than just poly sanding the joints!
FACT: FALSE. I have done a cost analysis of both processes over the years using product cost and labor time that concludes the cost is about the same . The cost of cleaning & prepping is the same in both options. You cannot just clean the joints for poly sanding and not the brick pavers too. So, the cost of cleaning in either restoration choice is constant. Without going into complicated details, the cost per square is very close when using either product. This is why we charge the same restoration cost whether you use sealer or poly sand for your brick paver structures. Keep in mind that poly sand is not used for modular retaining wall systems (block & caps for steps, walls, & patio retaining walls) but with sealing you get the added value.
I usually advise my customers to do the sealing option for their brick pavers & paver joints. The main reason is that you get the same results with paver joint sand stabilization but sealing gives your brick pavers added surface protection and color enhancement. The costs being pretty much the same, this is a no brainer decision. For customer who are concerned about having too much "sheen" to the appearance, we are able to dial in the mix of the high quality brick paver sealant we use. We can reduce the solids in the sealer somewhat to give a more "natural" appearance to the brick paver surfaces but need to make sure a good balance in the mix so not to deter the joint stabilization effect. There are some circumstances where the poly sanding option fits best but this is on an individual basis.
- Make sure when restoring your brick paver structures you contract with a qualified "brick paver contractor" to perform this task. Using a landscaper, lawn service, or handyman service can be a disaster. Lake of experience, knowledge, and patience can result in a poor or non-reversal effect that you will pay for dearly. In our case, we actually are solely focused only on brick paver repair & restoration services, no longer design & installation. Our resources, training, and scheduling adhere to this specific service. Flexibility & patience is key to a good sealing or poly sanding job especially with weather variables. Larger companies want your business, but due to the lower profits of your work, they do not prioritize in their schedules.
- Sealers and Poly Sand products should NEVER be purchased at big box stores! Not only are they inferior in quality but they are not totally specific to high density concrete brick pavers. We purchase, as you should if doing yourself, sealers & poly sand from brick paver specific manufacturers and suppliers. If your brick pavers are sealed or joint sanded with inferior cheap products, the bad results may be irreversible.
- Make sure that the contractor you are using does a 2 coat process when applying sealer. This 2 coat process is not sealing twice (returning when first coat is dry). This 2 coat process is spraying a "flood" coat first to allow the sealer to properly soak into the paver joint sand. Then shortly after, spraying a second coat to adhere to the surface of the brick pavers. Keep in mind this is using a high quality "water based" sealer.
- Make sure that the contractor is NOT using a Poly Sand product with "cement" used as the major bonding product in the sand. This is a complete NO NO! Products using Portland cement as the bonding agent will surely leave a "haze" on your brick paver surfaces. We use a high quality polymer bonding agent based product that does not leave any "hazing" appearance and gives the best joint stabilization in the market!
- The level of joint sand is always "down" in the joint, NOT flush with the top of the brick pavers. Optimum is 1/4" down but this level varies due to the levelness of your brick pavers and the style of brick paver.
- Joint sand is for the brick pavers to keep them locked up, NOT wall caps seams & gaps which are glued in place.
- Make sure the contractor you are using does a "follow up" service! A couple of years ago we decided to improve our customer service to include a one-time follow up and inspection service to do some touchups after the initial work is done. Because there will always be some initial settling of joint sand when cleaning & sealing (or poly sanding), we return within about a month to inspect and touch up any problem areas. The other benefit is we are able to see if there is any concerns from water run off. We routinely find spots where water from the roof, gutters, or landscape exceedingly erode the joints. We are able to inform customers of an issue so they can address appropriately.
Jan 15, 2018
The Function and Beauty of Brick Pavers is in full effect!
Repair & Restoration services for brick paver patios is soaring!
The ground is freezing in Michigan and the ever expanding nature of pavements, such as, interlocking brick pavers, begin to stress under this Winter occurrence. Pushed to the limit, brick pavers will look wavy, pushed up, or contorted. Our clients who we educate that this is a normal and natural event needs to exhibit some patience before getting discouraged about the performance of their brick paver patios, walks, steps, driveways, etc..
As Spring approaches, we will begin the inspection and bidding process. To properly assess any need for paver repairs to damaged or failed brick pavers, the ground frost must have exited the ground below to make an accurate estimate.
Brick pavers maintenance is a growing need for our clients and we reward them (and us) by contacting them each March regarding our yearly brick paver services available. We start every Spring by offering to service OUR CLIENTS first! We contact our clients prior to doing any estimating of new business to allow them to get on our schedule. Aside from touch-up repairs or the releveling of the pavers, we offer the following brick pavers services each Spring:

Cleaning, sanding, & compacting is always included in this sealing service, so basically, its a total restoration of your brick pavers. Sealing of brick pavers is usually performed every 2-3 years depending on your personal preference of their appearance.
We offer these valuable services to ALL clients, old and new. Once you have become one of our clients, you will get priority each Spring to have your brick pavers maintained and preserved to your liking for many years to come! This is our goal and this is our business!We service Canton, Plymouth, Northville, Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and Belleville, Michigan areas.
Feb 8, 2013
Brick Paver Manufacturers I use in Southeast Michigan
Using a high quality Paving Stone or Paver Block is essential to maximum results
For over 30 years now, I have been using and recommending two major brick paver manufacturers in Southeast Michigan. The first is FENDT Builders Supply which is headquartered in Farmington Hills, MI. The second is North America's largest brick paver manufacturer - UNILOCK. UNILOCK has a manufacturer plant in Brighton, MI.

My commitment to these two quality manufactures arises from their wide range of products, colors, shapes, textures, warranties, and availability offered. Unlike paving stones offered at big box home improvement stores, FENDT & UNILOCK offer many outlets for obtaining their products. They also maintain an adequate inventory of products and allow for purchase directly at their manufacturing plants.
There are other good brick paver manufacturers that produce here in Michigan or ship into the State, but their availability and sufficient stock of inventory usually is lacking. All my bidding & design utilizes FENDT or UNILOCK products. My crew and myself are very familiar with the possibilities and limitations of these products.
When bidding a paver project, I usually do not favor any one manufacturer over the other. I evaluate the homeowner's need and budget before recommending which products, colors, textures, etc.. should be proposed. I am confident in the quality & performance of both paver manufacturer's products so the overall project design, color, and paver shape will determine which manufacturer will be recommended.
Nov 27, 2012
New Brick Paver Step Replaces Old Concrete Step at Porch
Paver steps are becoming the best replacement option of old concrete steps
The most popular request asked of me is an estimate to replace old & deteriorated concrete steps with paver steps. Paver steps have become the most requested option for new patio or front porch steps. The trend for this application is growing rapidly each year and many feasible options are available.
The past week in Ann Arbor, I was asked to replace an old pre-fab concrete step that was cracking and did not offer a safe transfer from the top of the porch to the existing concrete walkway. Being that the existing front porch was small, this created an unsafe issue when the front door was opened. Guests or visitors had to step back onto the unsafe pre-fab step to allow the door to completely open. The homeowner had had enough when a trick-or-treated fell off the porch this past Halloween.
The first objective was to create the proper rise (step down) to the new step and create a safe landing to step onto. I designed the new brick paver step to be 2ft out from the porch and also across the total length of the porch to allow for a safe landing to stand on. The rises (step downs) from the porch onto the step and from the step down to the walkway needed to be within code.
The second objective was to have a decorative and attractive appearance to enhance the curb appeal of the home. With out sacrificing function, this objective was easily achieved with the advantages & flexibility of brick pavers and modular retaining wall blocks & caps. Being a traditional home, we used traditional paver shapes & colors to match the home.
I discussed with the homeowner in the original estimate about replacing the front cement walkway with new brick pavers. Due to their budget, the new paver step was their first priority. The new paver walkway will be installed in 2013 so they can budget for the expense.
To install the new paver step, we needed to saw cut the first pad of the concrete walk to properly set the new size & heights. The pre-fab concrete step easily slid away and we dispose of it properly. We needed to make sure we removed enough of the first slab of concrete to allow for a buffer row of brick pavers to allow for a proper height transition to the old cement walk. This is not always necessary to do if riser heights are not an issue but since we will be returning next year to install a new paver walkway, we decided this was the best option at this time.
The end result of our design & installation was a very decorative, functional, and safe paver step that met all the objectives of the homeowner. Once we install the new paver walkway to match this paver step, the curb appeal will be complete for this traditional home in Ann Arbor. All brick paver step applications have unique & custom variables that determine the final design and installation.
Oct 21, 2012
Brick Paver Patio Sealed in Ann Arbor
Sealing Brick Pavers should be performed by a Qualified & Experienced Contractor
With a little prodding by the homeowner, the original installing contractor finally gave them a quote that was twice the cost of our quote. The homeowner was fully aware that the contractor was not interested in performing this service and just tossed out a high quote. We were here again to meet a homeowner's need at a very reasonable price!
I see this all the time where a brick paver or landscape contractor is only interested in installing brick pavers and do not offer affordable & timely after services that homeowner's need. Oh, they will do the job if you are willing to pay the high quote they throw out there!
This brick paver patio needed a general cleaning and the removal of one stained area in the middle. The paver patio was re-sanded and we returned a day & half later when all was dry. We carefully applied an approved brick paver sealant to this paver patio including the bordering sitting walls & pillars.
Fall is still a good time to clean & seal brick pavers. Our pricing for these paver services are typically 15-20% cheaper than our Spring prices. As long as temps are over 50 degrees, sealing pavers can be performed safely. Other than budgeting for paver services, there is no advantage in waiting until Spring.
Sep 30, 2012
Brick Pavers Maintenance Tips to do this Fall
Simple Paver Maintenance tasks will insure long term performance
Fall has arrived and as you begin to do your lawn & landscape pre-winter maintenance tasks, do not forget about your brick paver patio, walkway, porch, steps, driveway, etc.. . There are some simple paver maintenance tasks that need to be performed in the Midwest before Winter. If your prior brick paver contractor or landscaper did not properly educate you on these needs, I am here to help you.
Here is an earlier article I posted regarding Winter Maintenance for Brick Pavers that will help insure endless years of beauty & function of your paver patios, walkways, and driveways. After 29 years of experience, analysis, & visual feedback, I have spent more time educating my clients on paver maintenance requirements that in turn leads to the reduced need for added future paver repair services.
I would like to expand on a couple of my paver maintenance tips from the earlier post so we can keep up with the ever evolving feedback I witness and receive back from clients.
The first piece of advice is to remove ALL items from your paver patio, walkway, etc.. that will stay stationary over the Winter. This includes your patio table. Each Spring I witness patios with 4 sunken pavers where each leg of the table meets the paving stones. Just place your patio table in your landscape beds or lawn for the Winter. Do Not forget to remove the umbrella base too! I am often asked about the grill since most people still use there's during the Winter months. Just try to relocate (roll) slightly a few times during the winter so the legs & wheels do not stay on the same paving stones all Winter.
Second, touch up sweep any brick paver joints that lack joint sand going into the Winter. We want to make sure that water during any rains or melt-off this Winter will flow over and off the pavers, not down into the joints. If you have a raised paver patio with a modular wall block & cap on the outside perimeter, pay special attention to the joint between the outside brick paver and the block cap. This is the same for pavers inside block caps of paver steps and porches.
I am very passionate about the brick paver industry and I never install, repair, or restore a brick paver project with the intent to have to come back and repair. My goal is to functionally create or bring back to life a paver patio, walkway, driveway, etc.. , educate the customer on maintenance needs they can easily perform themselves, and then be there when the customer needs our brick paver services.
Aug 28, 2012
Brick Paver Parking Area off Driveway is Restored
Neglected pavers are given repair, cleaning, and sanding in Ann Arbor
Brick Paver Parking Areas or Driveway Strips are a popular use for interlocking brick pavers. This pavers area off the side of a cement driveway had been left for dead by the homeowner. In its day, it was used to give additional area of parking for their teenager's vehicles and added space around the basketball net. But as the children went off to college and no one was playing basketball any longer, this brick paver area was severely neglected.
The homeowner originally wanted to remove the pavers altogether and establish lawn in the area . After weighing the pricing option of having this brick paver parking area restored to its original beauty & function, they felt that repairing it for the additional nominal cost would better meet their needs. They still needed the additional parking area for returning college students and visiting guests.
Most of our clients are surprised by the results of a total pavers restoration project at a nominal cost versus replacing with another pavement or landscape product. Hiring a qualified and experienced brick paver contractor can be very rewarding when deciding to restore versus replacement. This has always been the special asset of having brick pavers installed in the first place!
Jul 27, 2012
Brick Paver Patio Restoration in Ann Arbor
Pavers Repair, Cleaning, Sanding, and Sealing brings back the beauty of patio
Neglected Pavers Patio |
We like to offer a pavers restoration package that includes options for brick pavers repair, cleaning, re-sanding, and sealing with an approved brick paver sealant. Sealing of brick pavers is the one option that customers toil with after I explain the pro's & con's of applying paver sealer.
Restored Pavers Patio |
To restore some of the original beauty & function of the brick pavers requires professional repair, cleaning, and re-sanding. With some simple maintenance education, homeowner's can now maintain a rewarding outdoor living space for years to come. A true brick pavers contractor will also offer follow-up maintenance services to better serve homeowner's who are busy and seek professional help.
Pavers Patio Sealed |
Jun 10, 2012
Pictorial of Transformation from Old Wooden Deck to Brick Pavers Patio
Raised Pavers Patio with Landing, Steps, and Planter Creates Beautiful Outdoor Living Space
In Ann Arbor this past Spring, we created this backyard transformation from an Old Wooden Deck to a beautiful Outdoor Living Space.
Designing & building a raised brick pavers patio with a paver landing & steps made the most of the space available. The pavers patio encompassed a duel Planter / Sitting Wall application that created not only some landscape beauty, but useable sitting area for entertaining.
Usually I will go through a stage-by-stage description of the process of installing a uniquely designed paver patio. This post will give you a visual pictorial of the stages of production that lead us to the spectacular conclusion to this project. Pictures will tell the story this post. Enjoy!