Jun 21, 2016

Pavers Patio & Step Repair and Restoration

Brick pavers repair, cleaning, and sealing brings this Pavers Patio and Step in Canton, MI back alive!

This raised brick pavers patio  in Canton, MI needed some real attention.  After years of neglect and no paver maintenance, this pavers patio and paver step was beginning to show serious signs of failure and poor appearance. This patio and step was becoming a safety hazard for tripping.

We assured the homeowner that all is not lost and we can repair and restore their raised brick paver patio and paver step back to its glory days!  We reset and releveled the brick pavers and paver step where needed,  re-compacted the pavers to help relock an loose paving stones, did a professional cleaning, re-sanding all paver joints with regular paver joint sand, and sealed with an approved brick paver sealant which gave great color enhancement, surface protection, and joint (sand) stabilization.

Upon completion of this raised pavers patio and step repair & restoration, the homeowners where very pleased and amazed of the transformation from the old & neglected patio to the new and improved outdoor living space.

Now with minor routine (yearly) maintenance and attention, this raised brick paver patio and step will look beautiful for many decades!  We advised the homeowner to have the patio and walk sealed every 2-3 years and keep joint sand in the joints at all times.